The Fishermen’s Bastion & Matthias Church, Budapest

The Fishermen's Bastion (left) was designed by Frigyes Schulek and was built in 1905. The "building" is made up of seven towers - each one symbolising the seven Magyar tribes that came to Hungary in 896. The towers are a bit fairytale like, but still, they somehow fit together with the Mathias Church behind them. The area directly behind the church housed a fish market during medieval times - the name of the Bastion comes from here. During the 18th century, the Guild of Fisherman are also said to have been defending this part of the Castle wall. The Bastion offers great view of the Parliament and of the northern Pest side of the city.

Matthias Church (right) dominates the famous Bastion. Its official name is the Church of Our Lady, and it was built between the 13th and the 15th centuries. Its name comes from King Matthias, who got married here twice and was the main donor. During its long history it was for some time a Mosque and a Jesuits’ Church. Inside the church you can also admire some interesting collections of goldsmiths’ masterpieces, stones and relics.

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